Prohibited Credit Reporting During Covid-19 | Credit 101 Ep. 33

During the COVID-19 pandemic, various measures were put in place to protect consumers facing financial hardships. These measures included restrictions on certain credit reporting practices. Here are key points regarding prohibited credit reporting during COVID-19:

  1. No Reporting as Delinquent If You Have an Agreement:
    • Creditors cannot report your account as delinquent if you have reached an agreement with them to modify your payment terms or if you are making payments under a forbearance or other relief program.
  2. Continued Reporting as Late If Past Due:
    • If you were already past due on your payments when you entered into a relief agreement or forbearance, creditors can continue to report your account as late. However, they cannot report it as more delinquent than it was at the time of the agreement.
  3. Requirement to Stop Reporting If Account Is Brought Current:
    • If you bring your account current after entering into a relief agreement or forbearance, creditors must stop reporting it as late or delinquent. Your account should be reported as current once you’ve fulfilled your end of the agreement.

These measures were put in place to provide some relief to consumers facing financial challenges due to the pandemic. It’s important to communicate with your creditors and understand the terms of any relief agreements or forbearances you enter into. Additionally, regularly monitoring your credit reports can help ensure that your accounts are reported accurately and that any prohibited reporting practices are addressed promptly.

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