The Verve Mastercard is a credit repair credit card that offers a lifeline for those with bad credit. The card provides a decent initial credit limit, the chance of a credit limit increase with responsible use, and monthly reporting to the major credit bureaus for a variable annual fee (subject to mail offer).
Annual Fee
Check the fees because they could be very high.
Credit Limit
Credit limit approval up to $2,000.
Prequalify for this credit card with NO hard inquiry!
Credit Reporting
Verve reports to all 3 credit bureaus and will may check Transunion to approve you.
Exclusive Credit Membership
- Purchase or have already purchased our Mega Dispute Letter Package. Use the special link provided below to get 65% off your Mega Dispute Letter Package if you haven’t already purchased it:
Dispute Letter Package
2. Sign up for 14 day free trial to get your free reports (This will allow us to view your reports and lock Experian report)
3. Get all 3 of your credit reports from IDIQ $1 Trial:IDIQ Trial
4. Complete an application: Credit Application
5. Once you’ve made your purchase, reach out to our customer support team at 833-742-5482 to confirm your eligibility for the free letter service.