What To Do If A Collection Turns Into A Lawsuit | Credit 101 Ep. 143

1. Don’t Ignore the Lawsuit

Ignoring a lawsuit won’t make it go away. If you fail to respond, the court may issue a default judgment against you, allowing the debt collector to garnish your wages or seize assets. Take the summons and complaint seriously.

2. Review the Summons and Complaint

Carefully read the documents you received. They will include:

  • The date by which you must respond.
  • The name of the creditor or debt collector suing you.
  • The amount of money they claim you owe.

3. Verify the Debt

Ensure the debt is yours and that the amount is correct. Sometimes debts are sold to different collectors, and errors can occur. Request a debt validation if you haven’t done so already. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you have the right to ask the debt collector to provide evidence that you owe the debt.

4. Check the Statute of Limitations

Debt collectors can’t sue you for a debt that is beyond the statute of limitations, which varies by state and type of debt. If the debt is time-barred, you can use this as a defense in court.

5. Consult an Attorney

Consider hiring an attorney, especially if the amount is substantial or if you’re unsure about how to proceed. Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation. Legal aid organizations may also provide assistance if you cannot afford an attorney.

6. File a Response

File a written response (also called an “answer”) with the court by the deadline specified in the summons. Your response should address each point in the complaint, either admitting or denying each allegation. Include any defenses you have, such as the statute of limitations or disputes about the debt amount.

7. Gather Evidence

Collect all relevant documents that support your case, such as:

  • Payment records.
  • Correspondence with the creditor or debt collector.
  • Any debt validation letters you sent and their responses.

8. Attend All Court Hearings

Missing a court hearing can result in a default judgment against you. Show up on time, be respectful, and bring all your documents. If you have an attorney, they will handle most of the speaking, but you should be prepared to answer questions if asked.

9. Negotiate a Settlement

Sometimes it’s possible to negotiate a settlement with the debt collector before the court date. This could involve:

  • Agreeing to a lump sum payment that is less than the full amount owed.
  • Setting up a payment plan.
  • Requesting a dismissal of the lawsuit in exchange for the settlement.

Make sure any settlement agreement is in writing and signed by both parties.

10. Understand the Consequences

If you lose the lawsuit, the court may issue a judgment against you. This can lead to wage garnishment, bank account levies, or liens on your property. Conversely, if you win, the court may dismiss the case, and you won’t have to pay the debt.

11. Consider Bankruptcy

If the debt is overwhelming and you have multiple creditors, bankruptcy might be an option. Consult with a bankruptcy attorney to understand if this is a viable solution and how it will affect your credit and financial future.

12. Monitor Your Credit Report

After the lawsuit is resolved, check your credit report to ensure it accurately reflects the outcome. Dispute any errors with the credit bureaus.


Facing a lawsuit from a debt collector can be stressful, but by taking proactive steps and understanding your rights, you can navigate the process more effectively. Don’t ignore the lawsuit, verify the debt, seek legal advice, and respond appropriately to protect your financial future.

In this comprehensive series, we’re diving deep into the world of credit, equipping you with essential knowledge and practical tips to take control of your financial future. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a young professional, or anyone looking to improve their credit health, this series is tailor-made for you.

🔑 Episode Highlights:

  • Understanding Credit: We kick things off by demystifying the concept of credit. What is it, how does it affect your financial life, and why does it matter?
  • Credit Repair Strategies: If you’ve faced credit challenges, don’t worry! We’re here to guide you through proven strategies for repairing your credit. Discover the step-by-step process to address negative items, dispute inaccuracies, and boost your score.
  • Building Credit Wisely: Building credit is like building a strong foundation for your financial goals. Learn about secured credit cards, responsible credit utilization, and other smart techniques to establish a positive credit history.
  • Reestablishing Credit After Hardship: Life happens, and sometimes credit takes a hit. We’re sharing invaluable advice on how to bounce back from financial setbacks, rebuild your credit, and regain your financial footing.
  • Lifestyle and Credit: Did you know your everyday financial habits can impact your credit? We explore how budgeting, managing debts, and making on-time payments contribute to your credit health.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we empower you to make informed decisions about your credit. Remember, credit is not just a score – it’s a tool that can open doors to better opportunities.

If you’re ready to take charge of your credit journey and secure a brighter financial future, make sure to hit that “Subscribe” button and turn on the notification bell so you won’t miss any episode of the Credit 101 series. Together, let’s navigate the path to better credit and financial success! 💪📈

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